
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2018


"The first thing to come up is the psychological concept of  flow . This is the primary research of  Mihály Csíkszentmihályi  who defines flow as a  mental state of complete focus, that merges action and awareness, while losing the self-consciousness . Further, he describes flow as an activity in which a person has personal control, which includes a subjective distortion of time and that flow is intrinsically rewarding.  This concept has been in Asian cultures like Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism for millennia as the concept of being whole and one with yourself. This moment can be experienced by anyone in any activity when they feel like their body and mind are highly focused. Many people would liken this to someone being “in the zone”." "Submarino Amarillo" Técnica flow art sobre lienzo, 30X25 cm. Por: Norma Núñez. "Everything happens for a reason"  "Flow Arts  is a general term used to describe the intersection of a variety of movement-bas...