"Vuelo Directo", acrílico sobre tela. 1.45 x 55 mt.

Pelicans seem always to know where they are going

Pelecanus occidentalis
"In 1970, the Brown Pelican was placed on the Federal Endangered Species List. The plight of this and other species led to a ban on the use of DDT in the United States in 1972 and a reduction in the use of endrin during the 1970s. Reproduction soon improved, and pelican numbers began to rise. Recovery was so successful that the Brown Pelican was removed from the Endangered Species List in the southeastern United States in 1985 and its population restored to pre-pesticide levels along the Gulf coast by the late 1990s. Once a symbol of the detrimental effects of pollution in marine ecosystems, the Brown Pelican now symbolizes the success of wildlife-conservation efforts." -The Birds of North America Online (From the CORNELL LAB OF ORNITHOLOGY and the AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION.)

¡Muy cierto Sr. Steinbeck! y como bien lo dijo en su libro The log from the Sea of Cortez:  "Ellos no cambian de dirección, ni miran alrededor". Como quisiera "ser pelícano" a veces...

John Steinbeck (1902-1968)

Sin duda, es un clásico y una lectura muy recomendable para quienes vivimos o hemos visitado el Mar de Cortés.

Lomo/Portada/Contraportada/Solapa/Guarda de la Bitácora del Mar de Cortés

Chequen estos fragmentos (en inglés). Son de mis favoritos, y estoy segura que los dejará pensativos:

"This little expedition had become tremendously important to us; we felt a little as though we were dying. Strangers came to the pier and stared at us and small boys dropped on our deck like monkeys. Those quiet men who always stand on piers asked where we were going and when we said, ¨To the Gulf of California,¨ their eyes melted with longing, they wanted to go so badly. They were like the men and women who stand about airports and railroads stations; they want to go away, and most of all they want to go away from themselves."

" ¨Of course it´s always that way. The point draws the waves¨. Another might say, ¨The waves comes greatly to the point,¨ and in both statements there would be a good primitive exposition of the relation between giver and receiver."

"It would be good to live in a perpetual state of leave-taking, never to go nor to stay, but to remain suspended in the golden emotion of love and longing; to be missed without being gone; to be loved without satiety. How beautiful one is and how desirable; for in a few moments will have ceased to exist."

"The harvest of symbols in our minds seems to have been planted in the soft rich soil of our pre-humanity. Symbol, the serpent, the sea, and the moon might well be only the signal light that the pshyco-physiologic warp exist."

“Men really do need sea-monsters in their personal oceans.” 

Y este último habla de la Bahía de San Carlos, ahora la Marina San Carlos cerca de Guaymas, Sonora, MX. Vean con los ojos de Steinbeck e imaginen la belleza absoluta que reinaba en esos años en este lugar.

"We could not run for Guaymas that night, for the pilot fees rise after hours and we were getting a little low on money. Instead, about six P.M. we rounded Punta Doble and put into Puerto San Carlos. This is another of those perfect little harbors with narrow rocky entrances. The entrance is less than eight hundred yards wide, and steep rocks guard it. Once inside, there is anchorage from five to seven fathoms. The head of the bay is bordered by a sandy beach, changing to boulders near the entrance."

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